Purple and Gold are always in style and there is always room for ONE more piece of Rambler Gear. Click here to visit the Rambler Gear store to purchase your newest piece. Proce...
We are looking for the right person to take the reins on our Maintenance & Grounds Operations for Cascade School District. Starting salary is $50,000 + Employee Health Insuranc...
Did you know that Cascade School District offers a FREE after school program for K-5th grade students? The afterschool program hosts a wide variety of activities, kids can look f...
Giving back to the community of Cascade is one of many ways that we believe achieves our mission of engaging every student every day in character development and rigorous education...
DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM UPLIFTS CASCADE SCIENCE STUDENTS Cascade School District offers multiple Dual Credit courses in live, in-person format to all of our high school students. ...
2023-24 Athletics Schedules
Most of our Fall Athletics calendars are posted on the athletics calendar on our website - click here to go to our athletics calendar.
As ou...
Did you know that Cascade School District offers FREE half day Preschool programming to all families of 4 year olds AND a developmental 3 year old program? We run two sessions of...
The regularly scheduled school board meeting is set for August 16, 2023 at 6:00pm in Room 135. Click here to view the agenda: Cascade School District Board Docs
Welcome back to school.
We know that this time of year is very exciting, but can also be very stressful. If you are looking for the school supply lists, please visit the docum...
Hello Rambler Nation!
Our staff has been working hard this summer and we are excited to welcome our wonderful students and families back. This year our Back to School Night is ...
Please call Cascade Medical Clinic to set up an appointment for your athlete to be ready to play this Fall 2023 season. Athletes that need a physical exam will NOT be able to par...
School is starting soon!
Here is the Elementary Supply lists to help make sure your student is ready to start the school year feeling prepared.
If you need or would like as...
Welcome back Families! In order to get our year started on the right foot, we would love it if you would take some time to register your student(s). Registration occurs online a...
We would like to see all of our NEW to Cascade Families on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 at Cascade High School. This will be an informal meet & greet. Feel free to come and go as y...
Are you ready for some new Rambler Gear? Online ordering will start Monday, July 31 and be available for ordering through Sunday, August 13, 2023. Please check back for an order...
We are looking for GREAT people to join our team as Substitute Teacher & Volunteers.
This orientation will get you all set up with all of the information that you need to fee...